I like tacos!

James Franzen @GoshaDole

Age 40, Male

Graphic Designer

Olympia, WA

Joined on 6/13/06

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1,522 / 1,600
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GoshaDole's News

Posted by GoshaDole - November 13th, 2012

Just wanted to make a post saying that I'm just about their with my new piece. Ironing out some minor tweaks and making sure everything plays correctly. After that all I really need to do is get the preloader/title/credits together and things should be good to go!

Posted by GoshaDole - July 31st, 2012

It's been awhile since I've made a post on here. I figure I'd let people know that I've been underway on a new animation for the past couple of months. I'm hoping to get it done around early September... hopefully. This is probably my most ambitious animation yet and I hope you guys will enjoy it once its out. It'll be another Disko Warp piece, so expect googly eyes and plenty of circles. Woohah! Here is a sample pic from it to tide you over.

New animation coming along...

Posted by GoshaDole - February 14th, 2012

Leeni, whom I did a couple of animations for, just released a special $5 benefit release on Bandcamp. The profits from the album go to the JED Foundation for suicide prevention...


If you have the time, be sure to check it out!

Posted by GoshaDole - October 31st, 2011

Just a quick update to let people know that my site is back up. I had it down for the past week or so as I shifted things over to a new layout.

http://www.radiogosha.com/ << NEW SITE LAYOUT!

I wanted to simplify the look of the site and make it very clean. I also switched over my eCommerce system and made the site responsive. If you don't know what responsive is, it essentially means the site will grow or shrink based on the size of the browser. That way the site can look good at lower resolutions (ie... mobile).

In addition to this, if anyone orders anything in the store, if you type RG2011 in the promotions code box, you'll get 25% off through 11/5!

http://www.radiogosha.com/store/ << RADIO GOSHA STORE RG2011 TO GET 25% OFF

Thanks to anyone who checks out my site. There will be a few minor tweaks/additions in the next few days, but it should all be working. Woohah!

Posted by GoshaDole - September 30th, 2011


It's still fresh up on the portal. This piece is my 6th collaboration with Disko Warp Music.

"Something is amidst in the town of Dolesfield. A hero for the cats and someplace to call home! Join and watch as she steals from admiring townsfolk and gives to her feline companions. Bellow a low meow and chuckle to the antics of her four pawed friends as they plan a great diamond heist!"

I've always wanted to create a piece revolving around cats, this song gave me the "purrfect" opportunity to do so, hah!

If your computer is a bit slow, I also have it on Youtube here...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwRWVNg eD5E

If you guys could vote/review/like/dislike/win/lose etc... that would great! Hope you enjoy it and thank you to anyone that checks it out!

The song used in the piece is from Speedisko Vol. 3 and is available as a free download this week only! You can grab that here!


Posted by GoshaDole - September 22nd, 2011

Just a quick update to say where I'm at with it. I have to animate out about 3 short scenes and do some final clean up of scenes. The title screen animatic is all done for it too!

I'm hoping to have it out by the end of the month on the usually places, here and Youtube.

This piece is probably the most detail oriented piece I've done. I hope you guys enjoy it when it comes out.

New animation on its way soon!

Posted by GoshaDole - July 9th, 2011

Sorry that I haven't updated in a bit. I've been busy working on a new animation. This one is probably the hardest I've done, even though its a much smaller scale than others that I've done. Lots of character emotions/movements. I'm hoping to have it done in the next couple of months. For now heres a small pic from it!

Working on a new animation!

Posted by GoshaDole - April 14th, 2011

http://www.radiogosha.com/2011/04/13/c ome-visit-me-at-sakura-con-2011-artist -alley/

Figured I would make a post about this now. Sakura Con http://www.sakuracon.org is pretty much next week (April 22-24) in Seattle, WA. I managed to get into artist alley this year. I'll be sharing my booth with Disko Warp Music. On Saturday I'll be joined with my brother, he'lll be promoting his Rune Hunters comic http://www.runehunters.com/

There will be plenty of stuff available for those interested. Disko Warp will have multiple CDs available for purchase. I will have whatever is on my online store (shirts, keychains, charms, puzzles, etc) in addition to prints, and a few new charms that are not available online. Artist alley is open all three days for the following hours...

Friday - 12 PM -10 PM
Saturday - 9 AM -10 PM
Sunday - 9 AM -3 PM

Artist alley is in room 6B. You can find the full schedule here as well... http://www.sakuracon.org/programming/s chedule.php

I also entered the AMV contest with Space Space Shooter, but I'm not sure if it made it in or not. I'll post more details about that later on if it does, in fact, get in.

Thanks to anyone that comes by my booth to check out everything we have to offer! I'm looking forward to meeting people and just having a good time.

Posted by GoshaDole - March 30th, 2011

I made/printed a design for a Deadbeat Boyfriend t-shirt. Similar to the last two shirts I did, it features my logo on the sleeve. You can check out more pics of it in the link below...

http://www.radiogosha.com/store/produc ts/shirts/deadbeat-boyfriend-t-shirt/

I also put together a little animated piece for it here...

It is printed on American Apparel in both unisex and women sizes. It is also available in both Light Aqua and Lemon colors. Hope you guys like it! I think it all came together pretty well.

Posted by GoshaDole - March 23rd, 2011

I was interviewed by The Interviewer on here...

http://theinterviewer.newgrounds.com/n ews/post/576356
